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Recreation Regression

BeitragVerfasst: Di 20. Jul 2021, 11:00
von melschmidt
Hey everybody,

I am looking for explanations/help with the following exercise:

Cross-section data on the number of recreational boating trips to Lake Somerville, Texas,
in 1980, based on a survey administered to 2,000 registered leisure boat owners in 23
counties in eastern Texas.
A data frame containing 659 observations on 8 variables.

Data can be found here:

- trips - Number of recreational boating trips.
- quality - Facility’s subjective quality ranking on a scale of 1 to 5.
- ski - Was the individual engaged in water-skiing at the lake?
- income - Annual household income of the respondent (in 1,000 USD).
- userfee - Did the individual pay an annual user fee at Lake Somerville?
- costC - Expenditure when visiting Lake Conroe (in USD).
- costS - Expenditure when visiting Lake Somerville (in USD).
- costH - Expenditure when visiting Lake Houston (in USD).

The quality rating is on a scale from 1 to 5 and gives 0 for those who had not visited the lake.

How can I estimate demand with a Poisson model in this case? What variables would be important? What is the resulting demand function?
How can I predict the number of trips for each observation and the average number of trips?
What’s the percentage difference between estimated and real mean?
Now, there is a 10% increase in costS. How can I find out what is CVi and average CV?

Maybe somebody here knows how to deal with this...
Thank you so much in advance, all help is appreciated :)

Re: Recreation Regression

BeitragVerfasst: Di 20. Jul 2021, 13:03
von bele
Hello Mel,

this forum's attitude towards homework and work similar to homework can bei read here unter heading #5: nutzung-des-forums-f44/das-musste-mal-gepostet-werden-t6682.html It is somewhat similar to CrossValidated's self-study tag.
